How to Add a Manager to Your Google Business Profile – GBP

How to Add a Manager to Your Google Business Profile – GBP

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, keeping your Google Business Profile updated and optimized is like keeping your business doors wide open to potential customers.

But as a business owner, your to-do list stretches beyond the horizon. Enter the game-changer: adding a manager to your Google Business Profile.

This move is not just about delegation; it’s about empowering collaboration, enhancing efficiency, and, most importantly, amplifying your business’s presence online.

How to Add a Manager to Your Google Business Profile: A Step-by-Step Guide


1. Sign In to Google Business Profile

Navigate to
If not already signed in, enter your Google account details associated with your business profile.

2. Select Your Business

Upon accessing your account, you’ll see a list of businesses associated with your account. Select the business to which you want to add a manager.

3. Access Your Business Profile

Once you select your business, you’ll be directed to an editable version of your profile, where you can manage information, reviews, and messages.

4. Open Business Profile Settings

Look for the three vertical dots (sometimes referred to as the “hamburger menu”) in the upper right corner of your profile page.
Click on it and select “Business profile settings.”

5. Navigate to Managers

Within the settings menu, find and click on the “Managers” tab. This area allows you to manage who has access to your Google Business Profile.

6. Add a Manager

Click on the “Add” button.
Enter the email address of the individual you wish to add as a manager. If you’re adding my team at Web Video Ad Space, make sure to input the correct email address provided during our communications.
Click “Invite.” An email invitation will be sent to the prospective manager.

7. Confirmation

The invitee will receive an email with an invitation to manage your Google Business Profile. They must accept this invitation to officially become a manager.

Once accepted, they’ll have the ability to make edits and updates to your profile, aiding in its optimization and maintenance.

Embracing Collaboration for Success

Adding a manager to your Google Business Profile is more than a task; it’s a strategic move toward growth, optimization, and success. It’s about embracing the power of collaboration to ensure your business survives and thrives in the digital jungle. Remember, in digital marketing, a well-maintained Google Business Profile is your business’s handshake with the world.

If this guide has illuminated the path to enhancing your business’s online presence, imagine what else we can achieve together. Feel free to reach out through my website for more insights, strategies, and hands-on assistance.

Voice Search Optimization for Local Businesses: Debunking Myths and Essential Tactics

Voice Search Optimization for Local Businesses: Debunking Myths and Essential Tactics

Alright, let’s get real for a moment. Voice search optimization?

It sounds like one of those fancy marketing terms that’s more fluff than substance, right?

And it is and it isn’t.

There are a bunch of startups and slick salespeople trying to convince businesses they need to get a new mysterious service called “voice search optimization”, like it’s a new discovery… that’s the deceptive part.

Voice search is being implemented by search engine companies like Google, Bing, Apple, and Amazon/Alexa. THEY are doing something AMAZING in terms of technology and how we use the internet.

But ranking in voice search as a local business is 90% the same as what it takes to rank in existing search engines.

Here’s the thing: it’s not as complicated as it sounds. At its core, it’s all about making sure your local business is easy to find online, whether people are typing on a keyboard or asking Siri for a recommendation.

What Exactly is Voice Search Optimization?

What Exactly is Voice Search Optimization
So, what’s the deal with voice search optimization? Imagine this: instead of typing out a search like “best coffee shop near me,” you’re just talking to your phone or smart speaker. That’s voice search. It’s all about asking your device a question and getting an answer, just like having a chat with a friend.

This whole voice search thing is getting pretty popular, and it’s not hard to see why. It’s super convenient, especially when you’re on the go, and let’s be honest, it’s pretty cool too. Plus, for folks who might struggle with typing or reading small text, it’s a game-changer.

Here’s where it gets interesting for local businesses like yours: when people use voice search, they’re often looking for something nearby, and search engines are getting smarter about giving them exactly that. So if someone’s wandering around, asking their phone where to grab a bite, you want to make sure your restaurant pops up as the go-to spot.

Statistics About Voice Search Growth

Overall Growth Adoption

Overall Growth & Adoption

Global Usage: There are currently 4.2 billion digital voice assistants in use globally, and this number is expected to reach 8.4 billion units by 2024. (DemandSage)

Daily Use: Over 50% of adults worldwide use voice search on a daily basis. (Yaguara)

Smart Speaker Growth: The number of smart speaker owners is rapidly increasing. In 2018, about 1 in 6 Americans owned a smart speaker (NPR & Edison Research).

Mobile Voice Search

Mobile Voice Search

Prevalence: 27% of the global online population uses voice search on their mobile devices. (DemandSage)

Surpassing Text Search: Voice search is projected to overtake traditional text-based search in the coming years – potentially with 50% of all searches by 2024. (Yaguara)

Voice Shopping

Sales Impact: Voice shopping is expected to reach $40 billion in sales in the US and UK by 2024. (OC&C Strategy Consultants)

Consumer Habits: 20% of people with smart speakers have made a purchase using voice commands. (eMarketer)

Why This Matters

User Preference: Voice search offers speed, convenience, and hands-free functionality, aligning with evolving consumer preferences.

Natural Language: Voice search mirrors how people naturally speak, allowing for longer, more conversational queries. This changes how businesses need to optimize content.

Local Search: Voice search is heavily used for finding local businesses and information (“restaurants near me”, etc.). Local businesses especially need to adjust their strategies.

The NAP: Core of Local Business Visibility

Alright, let’s talk about something super important for your business to show up in voice searches: your NAP. And no, I’m not talking about catching some z’s. NAP stands for Name, Address, and Phone number. It’s like the golden ticket for making sure your business isn’t just a whisper in the wind when it comes to local searches.

Here’s the scoop: having your NAP info consistent across all the major online directories is like telling the internet, “Hey, we’re legit!” It builds trust with search engines, and when they trust you, they’re more likely to put you front and center when someone’s looking for what you offer.

If keeping track of all those directories sounds like a headache, I’ve got a hack for you: Moz Local. It’s this nifty tool that helps you manage your business listings all in one place. And if you’re serious about getting the most out of it, the Elite plan is where it’s at.

Now, if all this sounds like a lot to handle on top of running your business, that’s where I come in. My team and I can take care of this for you, so you can focus on what you do best. 

Learn more about our Local SEO services.

Optimizing Your Google Business Profile

Optimizing Your Google Business Profile
Now, let’s jazz up your Google Business Profile. Think of this as your business’s digital storefront. It’s the first thing people see when they Google you, and it’s a big deal for voice search, especially when someone’s asking their phone for the best [insert your business type here] in town.

Here are some top tips to make your Google Business Profile as snazzy as possible:

  1. Keep Your NAP Updated: Yep, we’re back to the NAP again. Make sure your name, address, and phone number are up-to-date. It’s simple but super important.
  2. Tell Your Story: Use the business description section to tell people what makes your business special. Don’t be shy; this is your chance to shine!
  3. Show, Don’t Just Tell: Upload photos and videos that show off what you do. Whether it’s your cozy café corner or your best-selling product, let people see what they’re missing out on.
  4. Engage with Your Reviews: Got reviews? Great! Make sure you’re responding to them, good or bad. It shows you value customer feedback and care about your service.
  5. Encourage Reviews: Don’t be shy about asking your satisfied customers to leave a review. More positive reviews can improve your visibility and make your business more appealing in voice search results.

By giving your Google Business Profile some love, you’re not just making it look good; you’re making it work harder for you in the voice search game.

Fine-Tuning Your Website for Voice Search

Fine-Tuning Your Website for Voice Search
Now, let’s chat about your website. You might be thinking, “What’s my site got to do with voice search?” Quite a bit, actually! While there’s no magic button to make your site voice-search-ready, a few tweaks can make a big difference. Here’s the lowdown:

Answer People’s Questions: Think about the common questions folks might have related to your business. Use your blog or an FAQ page to answer these with natural, everyday language. Imagine you’re having a conversation with someone right in your shop.

Local Keywords are Key: Sprinkle in phrases like “best pizza in [Your City]” or “24-hour plumber near me.” It’s how real people talk and search, especially when using voice search.

Schema Markup: This is a bit techy, but it’s like giving search engines a roadmap to your site. It helps them understand your content better, making it more likely to pop up in voice searches. 

By focusing on these areas, you’re not just optimizing for voice search; you’re making your site more user-friendly overall. It’s a win-win!

Keeping Expectations in Check

Let’s take a moment to talk about expectations. We all want to hit the jackpot with those high-traffic keywords, but the truth is, the competition is fierce. That’s where the beauty of long-tail keywords comes in—those longer, more specific phrases that might not get a ton of searches but are way more likely to lead to actual business.

Here’s the kicker: local searches are your secret weapon. When someone’s looking for a service or product “near me,” or in a specific location, your local business has a fighting chance to stand out. It’s all about making sure you’re the big fish in your local pond.

So, while it’s great to aim for the stars, remember that voice search success often comes from nailing those niche, local queries where you can truly shine.

WordPress for Advanced Users

WordPress for Advanced Users
For those of you ready to take your online presence up a notch, let’s talk about WordPress. It’s like the Swiss Army knife of websites, offering unparalleled SEO flexibility and the ability to customize every nook and cranny of your site.

With WordPress, you’re not just playing in the sandbox; you’re crafting the sandbox itself. This means you can tweak your site to speak directly to voice search engines, making sure your local business isn’t just found, but featured.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Voice Search

What is voice search and how does it work?

Voice search allows users to perform internet searches by speaking aloud instead of typing. Devices with voice recognition technology, like smartphones and smart speakers, convert spoken words into text and then conduct the search, often prioritizing local and immediate results.

Why is voice search important for local businesses?

With the growing use of mobile devices and smart speakers, more people are using voice search to find local businesses and services. It’s a fast, convenient way to search, especially when on the go, making it crucial for local businesses to optimize for voice search to increase visibility.

How can I optimize my business for voice search?

Start with ensuring your NAP (Name, Address, Phone number) information is consistent across all online platforms. Optimize your Google Business Profile with complete and accurate information, encourage customer reviews, and use natural language and local keywords on your website.

Does voice search SEO differ from traditional SEO?

While the fundamentals of SEO remain important for voice search, the key difference lies in the conversational nature of voice queries. Optimizing for voice search involves focusing on natural language, question-based queries, and local search terms.

How can I measure the success of my voice search optimization efforts?

Track metrics like increases in website traffic from local searches, higher engagement rates on your Google Business Profile, and an uptick in phone calls or inquiries from online sources. Tools like Google Analytics can help monitor these changes.

Are there any tools to help with voice search optimization?

Yes, tools like Moz Local can help manage your online listings for consistency. Google My Business offers insights into how customers find your business profile. Schema markup generators can also enhance your website’s voice search readiness by providing clear information to search engines.

How often should I update my business information for voice search optimization?

Keep your business information up-to-date at all times. Any changes to your NAP, business hours, or services should be immediately reflected across all online platforms to ensure accuracy in voice search results.


So, what have we learned on this voice search optimization journey? First off, your NAP needs to be as consistent as a morning coffee routine. Then, there’s your Google Business Profile—think of it as your digital shop window, so make sure it’s looking sharp. And don’t forget about on-site SEO; it’s the bread and butter of your online presence.

Remember, optimizing for voice search isn’t about pulling a rabbit out of a hat. It’s about building on the rock-solid foundation of local SEO practices you’ve already laid down.

Now, it’s your turn. Take a moment to audit your NAP consistency across the web. Spot any discrepancies? It might be time for a little tune-up.

And if the thought of diving into directories and updates has you breaking out in a sweat, don’t worry—I’ve got you covered. How about we start with a free consultation to get the ball rolling? Or, if you’re ready to jump straight in, I’m offering a special discount on my NAP setup service. Let’s make sure your business is heard, loud and clear.
Beware of Fake SEO Services & Scams: How to Protect Your Small Business Online

Beware of Fake SEO Services & Scams: How to Protect Your Small Business Online

As a small business owner, it’s essential to know how to spot the fake and counterfeit services being sold as SEO. In this post, we’ll discuss some of the common scams and negative results that can happen. Plus, we’ll cover what whitehat SEO is and why it’s the only kind of SEO that will have lasting positive benefits for your business.

The Problem with Fake SEO Service and Scams

The Problem with Fake SEO Services and Scams

Unfortunately, the SEO industry is rife with scams and false promises. These scammers prey on small business owners who are trying to grow their businesses online. 

They promise quick and easy results, but in reality, they’re just taking your money and running. Some of the negative results you might experience from falling for an SEO scam include:

  • Wasted time and money
  • Damage to your website’s reputation
  • Decreased traffic and rankings
  • Possible penalties from search engines

What Does Real SEO Look Like

Now, let’s talk about what whitehat SEO is and why it’s the only kind of SEO that will have lasting positive benefits for your business. Whitehat SEO is the practice of optimizing your website and content for search engines using ethical and sustainable techniques. These techniques include things like:

  • Creating high-quality content that provides value to your audience
  • Building natural backlinks to your website from other reputable websites
  • Optimizing your website’s technical structure and on-page elements
  • Following search engine guidelines and best practices

By using whitehat SEO techniques, you’re investing in the long-term success of your business. You’re not just looking for a quick fix or shortcut to the top of the search engine rankings. Instead, you’re building a solid foundation that will help your website and content rank higher and attract more traffic over time.

Common Tactics of SEO Scammers

Common Tactics of SEO Scammers 

Let’s talk about some common features of fake SEO services sold by scammers. If you’re a small business owner looking to grow your online presence, it’s crucial to know what to watch out for when it comes to SEO scams. Here are a few common features to be aware of:

They Arrive via Cold Emails 

One of the most common ways scammers reach out to potential victims is through cold emails. These emails often promise quick and easy results, with no real explanation of how they plan to achieve them. They might use flashy language and bold claims to catch your attention, but be wary of any unsolicited emails promising overnight success.

Detailed and Scary looking Reports 

Another common feature of fake SEO services is the use of detailed and scary-looking reports. These reports might use technical jargon and complex graphics to make it seem like they’re doing a lot of work on your behalf. In reality, these reports are often just smoke and mirrors, designed to make it seem like the scammer is doing something useful.

Recurring Monthly Fees for Unnecessary Work 

Finally, be on the lookout for recurring monthly fees for unnecessary work. Scammers might try to convince you that you need to pay them every month to maintain your search engine rankings. However, in most cases, this is simply not true. Once your website is optimized using whitehat SEO techniques, you shouldn’t need to pay for ongoing maintenance.

So, how can you protect yourself from these common features of SEO scams? Here are a few tips:

  • Be wary of unsolicited emails promising overnight success
  • Look for transparency in any reports or work being done on your behalf
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions and seek clarification on any fees or work being done
  • Work with reputable SEO agencies or consultants who use whitehat SEO techniques
Types of SEO Scams that You Should Be Aware Of

Types Of SEO Scams That You Should Be Aware Of 

As a small business owner, it’s essential to know what to watch out for when it comes to SEO scams. Here are a few common types of scams to keep an eye out for:

Promises of Guaranteed Rankings

One of the most common types of SEO scams is the promise of guaranteed rankings. Scammers might tell you that they have a special relationship with Google or that they know the secret to getting your website to the top of the search engine rankings. However, the truth is that no one can guarantee rankings, and any promise to do so is likely a scam.

Fake Google Lighthouse Reports

Another common type of SEO scam is the use of fake Google Lighthouse reports. Scammers might create fake reports that show your website needs a lot of work to rank higher in search engine results. These reports might include technical jargon and complex graphics to make it seem like they know what they’re doing. In reality, these reports are often just a scare tactic to get you to pay for unnecessary services.

Promises of Backlinks from Sites with High-DA

Scammers might also promise to get you backlinks from sites with high Domain Authority (DA). While backlinks from reputable sites can be valuable, it’s important to remember that not all backlinks are created equal. Backlinks from low-quality sites or spammy directories can actually hurt your search engine rankings.

Free Content

Another common scam is the promise of free content. Scammers might offer to write blog posts or articles for your website for free, but in reality, this content is often low-quality and stuffed with irrelevant keywords. This type of content can actually hurt your search engine rankings, rather than helping them.

Calls from Fake Google Employees 

Scammers might also call you, claiming to be Google employees. They might tell you that your website is not optimized for search engines and that you need to pay for their services. However, Google employees will never call you directly, and any call claiming to be from Google is likely a scam.

Fake Traffic

Finally, scammers might promise to send traffic to your website. However, this traffic is often fake, generated by bots or low-quality sources. This type of traffic won’t help your search engine rankings and can actually hurt them if it’s detected by search engines.

how can you protect yourself from these types of SEO scams

So, how can you protect yourself from these types of SEO scams? Here are a few tips:

  • Be wary of any promises of guaranteed rankings or quick results
  • Look for transparency in any reports or work being done on your behalf
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions and seek clarification on any fees or work being done
  • Work with reputable SEO agencies or consultants who use whitehat SEO techniques
  • Don’t fall for free or low-quality content offers
  • Never give out sensitive information or pay for services over the phone

By staying vigilant and being aware of these types of SEO scams, you can protect yourself and your small business from falling victim to these scammers. Remember, investing in whitehat SEO techniques is the best way to ensure lasting positive benefits for your online presence. Don’t fall for the quick and easy promises of scammers – instead, invest in the long-term success of your business.

If you’re a small business owner looking to grow your online presence, it’s important to invest in whitehat SEO techniques that will have lasting positive benefits for your business. At Web Video Ad Space, we specialize in ethical and sustainable SEO practices that will help your website and content rank higher and attract more traffic over time.

Our team of experienced SEO professionals is dedicated to providing transparent and effective SEO services that will help you achieve your business goals. We believe in building long-term relationships with our clients and helping them achieve sustainable growth online.

So if you’re ready to take your online presence to the next level, we invite you to learn more about our whitehat SEO services at Web Video Ad Space. We’re here to help you navigate the complex world of SEO and achieve real results for your business. Contact us today to learn more!

7 Ways a Local Business Can Dominate Google

7 Ways a Local Business Can Dominate Google

Local businesses understand the need for a prominent position on Google. Many business owners, though, don’t always understand how crucial to long-term success search engine visibility really is.

The Mobile Movement Study found that 77% of mobile users contacted a local business after conducting a local search.

BrightLocal also reported that 98% of web searchers visit a site featured on the first page, with very few people even bothering to move onto secondary pages.

If your business is reliant on web traffic, it is clearly important to focus on SEO. However, trying to get your website ranked is only the start if you are ambitious.

Local search rankings offer the chance for businesses to seize the initiative and take multiple spots on the first page.

Google doesn’t just rank individual websites but instead likes to offer a variety of options to users. Each of the following platforms can be used to get extra listings, potentially leading to a domination of the search real estate for your favored keywords.

1. Main Website

Ideally, your main website will achieve the top position. Most of the following platforms allow you to link towards your main site, so you should naturally generate authority.

For local terms, gaining citations can be enough to rank, with local directories, forums, and blogs linking to you.

If you are struggling to rank, search for powerful authority sites in your locality and niche, then look for content syndication opportunities with guest posts.

2. YouTube Video

Google naturally likes videos featured on their own platform. Most local businesses, though, don’t produce video content, so don’t realize how easy it can be to rank.

When creating the content, ensure you use keywords within the title and include a detailed description. With some backlinks and embeds, you can quickly see your video ranking.

3. Industry Directory

There are many directories online, but some will be harder to rank than others. Specialist industry directories can rank well, but check to see if they already feature on one of the first few pages before you attempt to promote them.

Choosing a powerful site means the domain already has authority, so you may only need a small amount of promotion to rank your own page.

4. Google Local Pack

The number of sites featured in the Google Local Pack has gradually been reduced, but that does mean you will stand out more if you can be included.

Getting listed involves joining Google My Business, completing your profile in detail, getting clients to leave reviews, and getting citations with your full address details included.

A local listing can feature your site name, map listing, images, and street view, so it is good for branding and click-through rate.

5. Google Images

For many niches, images are featured on the main Google results page. Images naturally stand out, increasing the chances of searchers clicking further.

To raise the prospects of your images being shown, use alt tags with keywords, ensuring the image is correctly labeled.

Also, add geotagging information to the metadata, so the image is recognized as a local term.

6. News Reports

Press releases and news reports can often feature in the search results, particularly if the news has a broader context.

It might not always be possible to target a relevant news story, but getting alerts on keywords and industry news should flag opportunities for creating news stories.

It is also possible to become a featured writer for an established site, whether this is industry-related or a larger site like The Huffington Post.

7. Paid Advertising

Finally, you can secure a prime position by paying for Google advertising. Of course, you need to make the ad cost work by carefully tracking your spending, but local advertising will usually be far cheaper than broad search terms.

It is important to track and test your results, calculating how much it is costing to find leads and make sales.

Depending on the competitiveness of the search term, it is possible for a local business to have multiple listings on a page.

The first few listings receive the bulk of the traffic, with numbers falling as you move down the page. If you can rank a few sites, you should receive most of the traffic while heavily branding your business as the major authority.

There is a lot of potential to be found in local search, so there is no reason you shouldn’t make an ambitious plan for a strong Google presence.