Three Errors in Your Content or Website That Clash with Panda

Three Errors in Your Content or Website That Clash with Panda

If you suffered a setback with Google’s Panda update, then you are going to have to make some changes to your SEO strategy.

Panda is an update to Google’s search algorithm that ranks websites.

It is designed to promote high quality websites, and remove low quality ones from top positions.

This update will affect the ranking of many websites.

If there are errors in your content or website which clash with Panda, then you may not recover from the update.

This article takes a look at possible errors and how to fix them.

Quality Counts

If you happen to have a low quality website, then be warned; you are likely to be adversely affected by Panda.

The sites that Google’s Panda considers low quality will be pushed even further down the results page.

In some cases, staying in the cyber race may mean having to start all over again, and cleaning your entire website to make it compatible with Google.

As daunting a prospect as that may seem, the alternative is even worse, being doomed to a lifetime of low Google rankings.

Let’s take a look at some of the errors that may cause a clash with Panda:

Duplicate/ Low-quality Content:

If you have duplicate or low quality content, then that will not make you a friend of Google.

Google dislikes duplicate content, so if you have 2 web addresses with the same content, then you will be overlooked.

Also, avoid having multiple pages with the same keyword.

Duplicate content may often be remedied by checking the names of your page files and categories, chances are this is where the problem is.

Having poor quality content will also put you at odds with Panda. 

As a result, you will have to revise content to improve quality.

Take another look at heading tags, and keywords, as when these are not used correctly, it will lower your SEO score.

Poor Internal Linking structure: 

Internal linking is not often understood during website building, and therefore designers build sites with incorrect structure.

Good internal linking structure will reduce your bounce rate.

The bounce rate is the percentage of persons that visit the site and then leave without visiting other pages.

In order to correct this problem, you have to take a look at the links between web pages.

Make certain that the links to other sections of the site are clean and streamlined.

Too many Affiliate Ads or Links:

Panda is also put off by sites that have an excessive amount of affiliate ads.

Since the latest update gives a low rating to websites with too many ads, it’s best to tone down the ads.

These are three of the most common errors that are on websites, which are likely to cause a clash with Panda. But as we have seen, it is possible to counteract Panda, by making some simple changes.