Cracking the Code: Competitive Advantage through Feature Comparison

Cracking the Code: Competitive Advantage through Feature Comparison

As marketing experts, we know competition is fierce. Staying ahead requires constantly analyzing and adapting. Today, we delve into Feature Comparison & Competitive Advantage. Forget throwing darts in the dark, let’s turn insights into a laser-focused strategy!

Step 1: Build Your Feature Matrix

Build Your Feature Matrix
Imagine a gladiatorial arena, but instead of swords, they wield unique features. Your job is to map it out!

  • List key features: Think price, service, functionalities, guarantees, even brand image.
  • Include direct & indirect competitors: Don’t underestimate the “different solution, same problem” players.
  • Add unique features: Highlight what sets you and your competitors apart.

Example: Let’s compare fitness trackers:

fitness trackers

Step 2: Conduct a SWOT Analysis

Conduct a SWOT Analysis
Now, step outside the arena and assess the bigger picture. This is where SWOT comes in:

  • Strengths: What features excel yours above the competition?
  • Weaknesses: Are there areas where competitors have you beat?
  • Opportunities: Can you leverage market trends or competitor weaknesses?
  • Threats: How might competitors’ strengths or emerging technologies impact you?


Strengths: Fitbit – Affordable, beginner-friendly. Apple Watch – Stylish, integrated ecosystem. Garmin – Advanced features, GPS focus.

Weaknesses: Fitbit – Limited customization, no GPS. Apple Watch – Expensive, requires iPhone. Garmin – Less user-friendly interface.

Opportunities: Fitbit – Partner with healthcare providers, target budget-conscious market. Apple Watch – Expand app development, target health-conscious professionals. Garmin – Offer simplified interfaces, attract fitness enthusiasts.

Threats: Emerging wearable tech with advanced features, changing consumer preferences.

Step 3: Define Your Competitive Advantage

Define Your Competitive Advantage
Now, the key question: what makes YOU the champion? Don’t just list features, focus on benefits:

  • Translate features into value: Does your price point make you accessible? Does your customization empower users?
  • Focus on what competitors lack: Do you offer a unique community experience? Personalized coaching?
  • Speak your target audience’s language: How do your benefits solve their specific pain points?


  • Fitbit: “Empower your wellness journey with an affordable, user-friendly tracker that fits your budget and lifestyle.”
  • Apple Watch: “Stay seamlessly connected, motivated, and healthy with a stylish smartwatch that integrates seamlessly with your Apple ecosystem.”
  • Garmin: “Push your limits and achieve your fitness goals with an advanced, data-driven tracker designed for serious athletes.”

Remember: Competitive advantage isn’t just about having the most features. It’s about understanding your audience, leveraging your strengths, and communicating the value you uniquely offer. By mastering Feature Comparison and Competitive Advantage, you’ll transform competitor analysis from a chore into a strategic weapon!

Bonus Tip: Keep your analysis dynamic! Regularly revisit your matrix and SWOT to stay ahead of the curve. Remember, the marketing arena is constantly evolving, so be the gladiator who adapts and thrives!

Why Your Website is Your Most Important Salesperson

Why Your Website is Your Most Important Salesperson

The Digital Era and Online Presence

Hello there! Have you ever stopped to ponder how much the world has evolved in the last few decades? It’s mind-blowing, right? The internet has taken over, and the business landscape is no exception. If you own a business or are thinking of starting one, having a solid online presence is no longer optional. Think of your website as the front door to your business in the digital world. It’s more than just a source of information; it’s your virtual salesperson.

The First Impression

Website First Impression

Visual Appeal and Professionalism

Did you know that it only takes about 50 milliseconds for visitors to form an opinion about your website? Imagine your website is a salesperson at a store. Would you trust a salesperson dressed in shabby clothes? Of course not! Your website needs to be dressed to impress. A clean, professional look with a dash of creativity can work wonders.

User-Friendly Navigation

Mobile Responsiveness

Now, imagine you walk into a store and can’t find what you’re looking for. Annoying, huh? The same goes for your website. It must be easy to navigate, and in today’s mobile world, it must be responsive to all devices. You don’t want to lose a customer just because they couldn’t view your site properly on their phone, do you?

The 24/7 Salesperson

Round-the-Clock Availability

Unlike a human salesperson, your website doesn’t sleep. It’s there 24/7, always ready to greet your customers with open arms. Can you imagine the possibilities? It’s like having a tireless salesperson that never goes on vacation.

Global Reach

And we’re not just talking local customers. Your website can reach people on the other side of the globe. How cool is that? It’s like your local store, but with the whole world walking past the window.

Building Trust

Testimonials and Reviews

Trust is the cornerstone of any relationship, including the one with your customers. And what better way to build trust than through testimonials and reviews? It’s like your friends telling you how great a restaurant is. You’re more likely to go, right?


Additionally, ensuring that your website is secure is crucial. It’s like having a security guard at your store; it makes people feel safeto shop with you. Don’t you feel more at ease when you see that little padlock icon in the address bar? That’s your website’s security guard.

Lead Generation and Conversion

Lead Generation and Conversion

Capturing Visitor Information

So, you’ve got visitors on your website. Great! But, wait, how do you turn them into customers? Here’s where lead generation comes into play. It’s like fishing; you need to throw in the bait to catch the fish. Offer something valuable in exchange for their contact information.

Engaging Content

Utilizing CTAs

And once you’ve caught their attention, reel them in with engaging content and clear calls to action (CTAs). It’s like a friendly salesperson showing you the best products and explaining why you can’t live without them. Make your CTAs stand out – be the salesperson that closes the deal!

Analytics and Improvement

Analytics and Improvement

Tracking Performance

You wouldn’t run a store without keeping an eye on the sales, right? The same goes for your website. Use analytics to track what’s working and what’s not. It’s like having a super-smart assistant giving you the inside scoop on your customers’ behavior.

Continuous Optimization

Armed with this information, continuously optimize your website to better serve your customers. It’s like rearranging the shelves in a store to make sure the best products are in the spotlight.


So, what have we learned? Your website is more than just a collection of pages; it’s your most important salesperson. It’s the first impression, the trust builder, the lead generator, and so much more. Take care of it, optimize it, and it will take care of your business.


1. Why is my website considered a salesperson?

Your website acts as a salesperson because it’s the first point of contact for many customers, provides them with information, and guides them through the purchasing process.

2. How can I make my website more engaging?

Use high-quality images, write compelling content, and have clear calls to action. Keep it simple and ensure that it’s easy to navigate.

Absolutely! More than half of web traffic comes from mobile devices, so it’s crucial to have a website that looks and functions well on all devices.

4. How can I build trust through my website?

Include customer testimonials, ensure your site is secure, and provide clear and honest information about your products or services.

5. What should I focus on for continuous website optimization?

Focus on analyzing customer behavior through analytics, improving site speed, updating content, and optimizing for SEO.

The Ultimate Guide to Efficient Plumber Marketing Strategies

The Ultimate Guide to Efficient Plumber Marketing Strategies

In the bustling world of home services, plumbers hold a unique and essential position. We rely on them for everything from minor leaks to major renovations. But as a plumber, how do you ensure your services reach those who need them most? 

That’s where efficient plumber marketing comes into play. In this article, we aim to help you navigate the intricacies of marketing for plumbers, ensuring your business reaches its fullest potential.

Understanding the Basics of Plumber Marketing

Understanding the Basics of Plumber Marketing

The Importance of Marketing for Plumbers

As a plumber, your skill set is inherently valuable. However, in a competitive market, showcasing your services effectively is vital. Marketing strategies tailored to your industry can increase your visibility, attract new customers, and foster loyalty among existing clients.

Essential Elements of Plumber Marketing

A robust plumber marketing strategy encompasses several elements, from establishing an online presence to fostering customer relationships. Let’s delve deeper into these areas.

Developing an Effective Online Presence

Developing an Effective Online Presence

Website Optimization

Your website is often the first point of contact with potential clients, and hence, it should be professional, easy to navigate, and optimized for search engines. Employing SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategies can improve your website’s visibility in search engine results, attracting more organic traffic.

Utilizing Social Media

Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, can be powerful tools for connecting with your local community. Regularly posting relevant, engaging content can help establish your brand identity and build trust with your audience.

Leveraging Online Reviews

Online reviews are a significant influence on customers’ decisions. Encourage satisfied clients to leave reviews on platforms like Google My Business and Yelp. Positive reviews can enhance your reputation and attract new customers.

Embracing Advanced Marketing Techniques

Embracing Advanced Marketing Techniques

Local SEO

Local SEO strategies help your business appear in search results for your specific geographic area. This includes optimizing your website for local keywords and maintaining consistent business listings across various online directories.

PPC Advertising

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising can generate immediate visibility for your business. By targeting specific keywords, you can reach potential clients actively seeking your services.

Email Marketing

Email marketing remains an effective way to maintain communication with customers. Regular newsletters featuring service updates, promotions, and useful tips can keep your brand at the forefront of customers’ minds.

Tracking and Improving Your Marketing Efforts

Integrating User Personas and Persona Avatars into Marketing Strategies

Importance of Analytics

Data analytics can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your marketing strategies. Tools like Google Analytics and CallRail can track website traffic, call conversions, and other vital metrics, helping you refine your marketing approach.

Continuous Improvement

The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and so should your marketing strategies. Keep abreast of industry trends, adapt to changes, and continually test and refine your tactics for optimal results.


Navigating plumber marketing can be complex, but with the right strategies and tools, it can transform your business. By establishing a robust online presence, embracing advanced techniques, and continually optimizing your approach based on data, you can stay ahead of the competition and reach more customers.

Remember, marketing isn’t a one-size-fits-all process. Tailoring your strategies to your unique business and customers is the key to success.


Why is SEO important in plumber marketing?

SEO helps your website rank higher in search engine results, increasing your visibility to potential clients.

How does social media benefit plumber marketing?

Social media platforms allow you to connect directly with your local community, build your brand identity, and foster customer trust.

What role do online reviews play in plumber marketing?

Online reviews significantly influence customers’ decisions. Positive reviews enhance your reputation and attract new customers.

What is local SEO and why is it crucial?

Local SEO helps your business appear in search results specific to your geographic area, making you more visible to potential local clients.

How can analytics improve plumber marketing strategies?

Analytics provide insights into your marketing strategies’ effectiveness, helping you refine your approach for better results.

Digital Marketing 101: A Comprehensive Guide for Small Business Owners

Digital Marketing 101: A Comprehensive Guide for Small Business Owners

In today’s increasingly digital world, small business owners must adapt their marketing strategies to stay competitive and reach a broader audience. With the rapid growth of the internet and the widespread use of smartphones, digital marketing has become an essential tool for businesses of all sizes. 

For small business owners, implementing digital marketing strategies can help them reach new customers, increase brand awareness, and ultimately drive sales and growth. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the basics of digital marketing, including key concepts, channels, and strategies that small business owners can leverage to grow their businesses.

Understanding Digital Marketing Channels

Understanding Digital Marketing Channels

Digital marketing is a multifaceted approach that utilizes various online channels to promote your business, engage with your target audience, and achieve your marketing goals. To get started with digital marketing, it’s essential to understand the different channels and determine which ones will be most effective for your business. Here, we’ll delve into some of the most popular digital marketing channels that small businesses can use to reach their target audience and grow their online presence.

Website development and optimization

Your website is the foundation of your online presence and often the first point of contact between your business and potential customers. As such, it’s crucial to invest time and resources in developing a user-friendly and visually appealing website. Ensure that your site is easy to navigate, with clear calls-to-action and well-organized content that showcases your products or services. Additionally, optimizing your website for mobile devices is essential, as more and more people access the internet via smartphones and tablets.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization, or SEO, involves optimizing your website and its content to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs), such as Google and Bing. By improving your website’s visibility in search results, you can attract more organic (non-paid) traffic and increase the chances of potential customers finding your business online. SEO involves two main aspects: on-page and off-page optimization. On-page SEO includes optimizing your website’s content, meta tags, and internal links, while off-page SEO involves building quality backlinks, engaging in social media, and other strategies that signal your website’s credibility and relevance to search engines.

Content marketing

Content marketing is the process of creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and engaging content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience. This can include blog posts, articles, infographics, videos, and other types of content that provide useful information or solve problems for your target audience. By offering valuable content, you can establish your brand as an authority in your industry, build trust with potential customers, and ultimately drive more traffic and conversions on your website.

Email marketing

Email marketing is a powerful digital marketing channel that allows you to communicate directly with your target audience, build relationships, and nurture leads through tailored content. By building an email list and consistently sending engaging newsletters, you can keep your audience informed about your latest products, services, promotions, and other news related to your business. The key to effective email marketing is personalization, which involves segmenting your email list and tailoring your messages to resonate with different audience segments.

Social media marketing

Social media marketing involves using platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to promote your business, engage with your audience, and drive traffic to your website. Choosing the right social media platforms for your business depends on your target audience and your industry. Once you’ve selected the platforms that align with your business goals, it’s essential to create a consistent posting schedule and share a mix of promotional, informative, and entertaining content to keep your audience engaged.

Paid advertising

Paid advertising, such as Google Ads or social media advertising, allows you to reach a specific target audience by paying for ad placements on search engines or social media platforms

Developing a Digital Marketing Strategy

Developing a Digital Marketing Strategy

To effectively harness the power of digital marketing, small business owners need to develop a comprehensive strategy that outlines their goals, target audience, content plan, and success metrics. This section will guide you through the process of creating a well-rounded digital marketing strategy that will help you achieve your business objectives.

Setting clear objectives

Before diving into digital marketing, it’s crucial to set clear objectives that align with your overall business goals. Establishing specific, measurable, and achievable objectives will help you stay focused and make data-driven decisions throughout your digital marketing efforts. Some common objectives for small businesses include:

  • Increasing brand awareness: Improve your online presence and visibility to reach more potential customers.
  • Generating leads and sales: Attract and convert prospects into paying customers.

Identifying your target audience

Understanding your target audience is essential to developing a successful digital marketing strategy. To effectively reach your customers, you must know who they are, what their needs and preferences are, and how they interact with your brand. This involves analyzing demographic and psychographic data, as well as creating customer personas that represent your ideal customers.

  • Demographics and psychographics: Consider factors such as age, gender, income, education, location, and interests to better understand your audience.
  • Customer personas: Develop detailed profiles of your ideal customers to guide your marketing efforts and ensure that your messaging resonates with them.

Creating a content plan

A well-structured content plan is the foundation of your digital marketing strategy. This plan should outline the types of content you’ll create, the channels you’ll use to distribute it, and the frequency at which you’ll publish new content.

  • Content calendar: Develop a schedule for creating and sharing content to ensure that you maintain a consistent presence across your digital marketing channels.
  • Diversifying content types: Experiment with different types of content, such as blog posts, videos, infographics, and podcasts, to keep your audience engaged and cater to their diverse preferences.

Measuring success

To determine the effectiveness of your digital marketing efforts, it’s vital to track your performance and analyze the data. By monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) and adjusting your strategies accordingly, you can optimize your digital marketing campaigns and maximize your return on investment.

  • Key performance indicators (KPIs): Identify the metrics that are most relevant to your objectives, such as website traffic, conversion rates, or social media engagement.
  • Analyzing data and adjusting strategies: Regularly review your KPIs and other data to identify trends, strengths, and areas for improvement. Use this information to refine your digital marketing strategy and achieve better results over time.

Tips for Effective Digital Marketing

As you venture into the world of digital marketing, it’s essential to keep some best practices in mind to maximize your chances of success. By following these tips, you can ensure that your digital marketing efforts yield tangible results for your small business.

Personalizing your approach

  • Tailoring content to your audience: Understand your target audience’s needs, preferences, and pain points, and create content that addresses those concerns. Personalized content resonates better with your audience, leading to increased engagement and conversions.
  • Engaging with customers: Interact with your customers on social media and through email marketing campaigns. Respond to comments and questions promptly, and encourage feedback to build trust and foster strong relationships with your customers.

Staying updated on industry trends

  • Following digital marketing news: Keep yourself informed about the latest trends, tools, and best practices in the digital marketing industry. Subscribe to relevant blogs, podcasts, and newsletters to stay up-to-date with the latest developments.
  • Attending webinars and conferences: Participate in webinars, conferences, and industry events to expand your knowledge, connect with other professionals, and gather insights to enhance your digital marketing strategy.

Allocating resources wisely

  • Prioritizing high-impact channels: Identify the digital marketing channels that generate the most significant results for your business, and allocate your resources accordingly. Focus on the platforms and strategies that are most likely to help you achieve your objectives.
  • Outsourcing tasks as needed: As a small business owner, you may have limited time and resources. Consider outsourcing specific digital marketing tasks to freelancers or agencies to free up your time and ensure that your marketing efforts are managed by experts

The value of digital marketing for small business growth

Digital marketing is an invaluable tool for small businesses looking to expand their online presence, reach new customers, and foster long-term relationships. By developing a comprehensive digital marketing strategy and employing the best practices outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to achieving sustained growth and success for your small business. Embrace the power of digital marketing and watch your business flourish in today’s increasingly digital landscape.

Why a Structured Marketing Plan Is Crucial for Small Business Success

Why a Structured Marketing Plan Is Crucial for Small Business Success

Embarking on the journey of marketing your small business without a structured marketing plan is like trying to navigate uncharted territory without a map. 

While a well-designed marketing plan can set your business on the path to success, neglecting to create one can expose you to numerous pitfalls. In this article, we’ll delve into the importance of having a structured marketing plan and explore the potential pitfalls that await businesses that proceed without one.

Better Resource Allocation

Better Resource Allocation Is Good Business

Without a clear marketing plan, your business may waste time and resources on ineffective strategies. 

A well-defined plan allows you to identify the channels and tactics that will yield the best results, helping you to allocate your resources wisely and avoid pouring money into marketing efforts that don’t deliver.

By identifying your target audience and the channels most likely to reach them, you can make informed decisions about where to invest your time, effort, and money. This, in turn, leads to a higher return on investment (ROI) and more effective use of your resources.

Clear Goals and Objectives

The Power of Clear Goals and Objectives

When juggling multiple marketing tasks without a clear plan, it’s easy to lose sight of your overall goals and objectives. 

A structured marketing plan helps you maintain focus, ensuring that your marketing efforts are always aligned with your business’s big-picture vision.

A structured marketing plan provides a clear and concise roadmap for your business’s growth. With specific goals and objectives, you can easily measure your progress and adjust your strategies as needed. 

This level of clarity helps you stay focused on what matters most – growing your business and satisfying your customers.

Brand Consistency

Enhanced Brand Consistency

A structured marketing plan ensures your brand messaging and visuals are consistent across all marketing channels. Without a plan, your brand may be disjointed and unprofessional, making it difficult for potential customers to recognize and trust your business.

A structured marketing plan helps to ensure that your brand’s messaging, tone, and visual elements are consistent across all marketing channels. This consistency is crucial for building brand recognition, trust, and customer loyalty. 

When your audience can easily identify and connect with your brand, they’ll likely become repeat customers and advocates for your business.

Customer Acquisition

Improved Customer Acquisition

Without clear goals and objectives, it can be challenging to determine whether your marketing efforts are working. A structured marketing plan lets you set measurable targets and track your progress, ensuring you’re always moving in the right direction.

With a structured marketing plan, you can identify the most effective tactics for reaching potential customers. This might include leveraging social media, email marketing, content marketing, or paid advertising. By focusing on the right channels and strategies, you’ll be more likely to attract new customers and build lasting relationships.

Adaptability and Flexibility

Adaptability and Flexibility

The business world is constantly evolving, and your marketing plan should be able to adapt to these changes. A structured marketing plan allows you to evaluate your strategies regularly, identify areas for improvement, and adjust your tactics accordingly. This level of adaptability ensures that your marketing efforts remain relevant and effective in an ever-changing environment.

Reactive Marketing

Businesses without a marketing plan often react to market changes and competitors’ actions rather than proactively driving their marketing efforts. This reactive approach can leave your business constantly playing catch-up instead of taking charge and setting the pace.

Poor Decision-Making

When operating without a marketing plan, it’s easy to fall into the trap of making impulsive or ill-informed decisions. A well-structured plan provides you with a solid foundation for decision-making, allowing you to evaluate your options and make strategic choices that align with your business goals.

Reduced Stress and Increased Confidence

Lastly, having a well-defined marketing plan can significantly reduce stress and increase confidence in your business’s future success. 

With a clear roadmap, you’ll feel more in control of your marketing efforts and better equipped to make strategic decisions. This peace of mind lets you focus on other aspects of your business, knowing that your marketing is on track and working towards your goals.

Navigating the world of marketing without a structured plan can be a risky endeavor, exposing your business to a range of pitfalls that can hinder your success. 

By implementing a well-thought-out marketing plan like the Six Pillar Marketing Plan, you can avoid these common challenges and set your small business on a path to sustainable growth. Don’t leave your marketing efforts to chance – take control, and watch your business thrive.

ONE Offer, ONE Audience, and ONE Plan

ONE Offer, ONE Audience, and ONE Plan

Imagine you’re at a buffet, and you see a variety of delicious dishes laid out before you. You start by filling your plate with a little of everything because you want to try it all. But as you move through the line, you keep piling on more and more food, and before you know it, your plate is overflowing.

Now, you’re left with a plate full of mediocre food and so stuffed that you can’t even enjoy it. If you had just focused on a few select dishes, you could have savored them and appreciated their flavors.

In the same way, if you try to offer too much to your audience, they may become overwhelmed and lose interest in everything you have to offer. By focusing on a single, firm offer, you give them a clear and compelling reason to take action, and they are much more likely to respond positively.

one offer

One Offer

In the context of direct marketing, an offer is a specific proposal made to a prospective customer or target audience to persuade them to take a specific action. This action might be making a purchase, subscribing to a service, signing up for a newsletter, or attending an event. An offer is typically presented as a unique value proposition, highlighting a product’s or service’s benefits and features and any incentives or bonuses included. In direct marketing, the offer is a crucial component of a successful campaign, as it serves as the primary tool for persuading potential customers to take action.

Why Only ONE (… at a time)

The sales adage “when you confuse you lose” applies perfectly to focusing on one offer to one audience per campaign. The reason is that if you offer too many options or messages, you risk confusing your audience, and they may not act at all. 

By focusing on one offer and one audience, you can simplify your message and clarify what you want them to do to your potential customers. This way, you can avoid overwhelming them and increase the likelihood that they will take the desired action, ultimately leading to better sales results.

one audience

One Audience

When it comes to crafting your offer, it’s equally important to focus on one specific audience. Each product or service will have unique target markets, competitors, ideal customers, and messaging. Therefore, you can’t create a single offer that speaks to everyone in the same way.

Each segment of your audience may have a different point of view about your product or service or how they experience the problem you promise to solve. And if you create an offer that appeals to everyone, you may end up diluting your message, making it less effective for anyone.

That’s why it’s best to focus on one market segment at a time until you have the marketing resources to enter another. By honing in on a specific audience, you can tailor your messaging to resonate with their unique pain points, needs, and desires. This allows you to speak directly to them and increase your chances of conversion.

Can I Have Two Audiences, Please?… 

Sure, As long as you have a separate marketing plan for each one!

one plan

One Plan 

A clear and complete marketing plan is essential to market your offer successfully. A marketing plan is a documented strategy of the steps you will take to achieve your goals. It includes identifying your target audience, crafting your messaging, selecting the right media channels, capturing leads, following up with leads, and ultimately converting them into customers.

At Web Video Ad Space, we use the Six Pillar Marketing Plan, which includes the following pillars: Audience Targeting, Messaging, Media, Lead Capture, Lead Follow Up, and Conversions and Closing. 

These pillars are essential to creating a comprehensive and effective marketing plan.

By focusing on each of these pillars, you will be able to identify and target the right audience, craft messaging that resonates with them, select the best media channels to reach them, capture leads effectively, follow up with leads promptly, and ultimately convert them into loyal customers. 

Without a complete marketing plan, you risk missing key opportunities and losing potential customers.

The Right Plan

As long as you have some process in place, however crude, to ensure you execute each of the steps above, you will have a successful marketing system for your business.

And there’s the rub…

If you don’t focus your plan on one offer and one audience you have a very high likelihood of creating marketing that is off-target, off-message, off-point, and has low conversions.

If you do a poor job on even one of the steps in the Six Pillar Marketing Plan, your sales will suffer. 

To execute an effective marketing plan, it’s essential to start by clearly defining your offer and target audience. Then, you can create messaging and media creatives that resonate with your audience and communicate the unique value of your offer.

It’s also essential to have a lead capture strategy in place to capture contact information from interested prospects and to follow up with those leads in a timely and personalized manner to nurture them toward conversion.

Lastly, be sure to track and analyze your marketing metrics to measure the effectiveness of your plan and make data-driven adjustments as needed.


It’s essential to remember that if you fail to focus your marketing plan on one offer and one audience, you are likely to create a campaign that misses the target. Such campaigns can be off-target, off-message, and off-point, resulting in low conversions. 

To avoid this calamity, you must have a minimum viable process at each stage in the Six Pillar Marketing Plan. You must have a documented strategy and process for each step to achieve your goal. Doing this ensures that you execute each step correctly and effectively, resulting in a successful marketing system for your business

What’s Next?

So, if you’re ready to take your marketing to the next level and start generating more leads and sales, I invite you to learn more about how Web Video Ad Space can help you implement an online marketing system based on the Six Pillar Marketing System.

Our team of experts will work with you to create a customized plan that targets your ideal audience, creates compelling messaging, and generates high-quality leads that convert into sales.

So, don’t wait any longer. Click the link below to learn more and schedule a free consultation with one of our marketing specialists today!

Let’s get started and take your business to the next level!