5 Examples of Successful Online Commercials
Ahryn Scott

Ahryn Scott

As business owners we are always conscious of putting our best foot forward.

Appearances matter, right?

Of course they do, but they’re rarely enough all on their own.

You need to make busy prospects stop and take an action.

Branding that answers the question, “what does the business do?”

It’s important because it represents the image of the company, but rarely does it lead directly to a sale.

That’s because the customer needs a specific offer to consider.

From the customer’s point of view, you have to answer the following question.

What’s in it for Me?

Without answering this question, potential customers are unlikely to take time out of their busy life to notice your business and learn about who you are.

It has never been easier or more affordable to put your message in front of whoever you want.

We can target audiences online with extraordinary precision.

But once you get in front of them, you need to get their attention AND get them to take an action,

If you don’t, you lose out on the immediate sale and the opportunity to create a long term customer.

It’s Even More Critical with Paid Advertising

When you pay for each time your message is delivered, it’s even more important to make each impression count.

I know, because after years of experience and spending over $500,000 in paid advertising, it’s clear which ads are the most effective – in terms of both immediate sales and long term profits.

The ads that have have the biggest effects on sales are ads that communicate a specific offer.

Here are five ad formats that have worked best for our clients:


1. Special Offer with Live Action Video


2. Limited Time Sale or Special Offer


3. Hero Offer or Package Offer


4. Special Offer with Traditional Trust Elements


5. Animated Special Offer with Details


Click here to learn more about the effectiveness of online video advertising.

Click here to see more example videos.

Ahryn Scott is the visionary founder and esteemed owner of Web Video Ad Space, a premier full-service digital marketing agency nestled in the vibrant landscapes of Southern California. A maestro of digital marketing, Ahryn harbors an unwavering passion for catapulting small businesses into realms of unprecedented success through innovative digital marketing and advertising strategies.